Ken is an out-of-the-box thinker with twenty years of background in software and technology and the last 15 years in real estate sales and investments. As he became experienced in the real estate industry, he saw that the industry was lagging far behind the rest of the world in creating and adopting truly useful technology. All the real estate tech solutions that were available to Real Estate Investors, Brokers, and Wholesalers seemed to provide similar solutions just packaged in a different user interface. There is more to PropTech than just public records data and trying to replace brokers with software or AI. He understands that we don’t need to cut another slice from brokerage commissions. In fact, Ken Singh wants to empower real estate specialists with more accurate data, tools, and the technology framework to handle their data to day investment operations with a complete out of the box solution. He has spent 7 years meticulously creating a platform that allows not only to locate real estate investments but backs his userbase with the ability to discuss, gather and exchange data on these investments directly through a tech eco-system that benefits anyone and everyone within the Real Estate Industry.